• 133 New Bridge Road, #14-09 Chinatown Point, Singapore 059413

Bicycle Accidents

Every person riding a bicycle on a road has the same rights as any other motor vehicle. The exception is when a bicyclist is riding on a sidewalk or other pedestrian pathway, in which case he or she has the same rights as a pedestrian. Conversely, just as a person on a bicycle as the rights of a motorist or pedestrian, he or she also has the same or modified legal responsibility to operate the bicycle safely.

The Road Traffic Regulations gives the bicyclist rights and responsibilities and also provides regulations to follow while operating a bicycle. These promote the safety of the cyclist as well as the people and vehicles in his or her surroundings. It is important to make sure you abide by these laws while on your bicycle so that if you are in an accident and need to bring a civil suit, your percentage of contribution under the law is small or nonexistent.

Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Even the most cautious, compliant bicyclist with the most advanced safety gear is still significantly vulnerable when it comes to an accident with a negligently or recklessly operated motor vehicle on the roadways. Many motorists have a “me-first” mentality instead of driving defensively with respect to others on the road, and thus don’t take the extra care needed around cyclists and pedestrians. Any of the following motorist actions are negligent or reckless behaviors commonly at fault for an accident involving a bicycle:

  1. Failure to yield
  2. Failure to stop completely at red light or stop sign
  3. Lack of attention to cyclist while passing
  4. Distracted driving – including texting while driving
  5. Failure to look both ways at intersection
  6. Pulling into traffic in front of a bicyclist
  7. Turning directly in front of cyclist
  8. Impairment by drugs or alcohol

If you have been injured as a result of an accident that occurred under any of the above circumstances, you deserve compensation for medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Even if you believe your actions as a cyclist increase your percentage of liability, you could still qualify. At Cosmas LLC, we will be able to fight for maximum damages while you focus on healing.For serious injury and/or death where compensation will include future losses, the number of years known as multiplier to be applied, has now been revised. These new multiplier table are found in the Actuarial Tables for Personal Injury & Death 2021 and can be viewed HERE.

When you are acting responsibly on a bicycle, the last thing you expect is to be in an accident with a negligent driver. You deserve the same consideration as a cyclist on the road as one motorist gives to another.

If you’ve suffered injury due to an accident involving a reckless motorist you can rest assured we will fight for you to the final judgment. Your consultations are free and honest, so schedule yours today by calling 6536 4662 (Office) or 9386 9903 (Mobile).