• 133 New Bridge Road, #14-09 Chinatown Point, Singapore 059413

Psychiatric Injuries

There are various types of psychiatric conditions resulting from experiencing a traumatic event, example depression, avoidant phobias and anxiety attacks. The factors to take into account will include the persons’ ability to cope with life, relationships, suicidal and whether there is a chance of full recovery or a risk of a relapse.

The awards would depend on whether the condition is severe, moderately severe, moderate or minor.

For Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD), the awards to be made will again depend on whether it is severe, moderately severe, moderate or minor.

Other psychiatric disorders will include Chronic Pain Disorder, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and Somatoform Disorder. Again the amount of the award to be made will depend on whether it is severe, moderate or mild.